Contact Us
Send us an email anytime at [email protected]
or send us a letter!
Hekman Library, Calvin University
3201 Burton St.
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Our office is located in the center of the student section in Hekman Library, to the left of Peets Coffee.
Find us on Facebook and Twitter.
Letters to the editor
Please send letters to the editor to [email protected].
Chimes encourages healthy discussion of issues within the Calvin community. We welcome your thoughts and opinions to this conversation through letters to the editor.
The length of the letters should be no longer than 250 words. The editors reserve the right to edit any letters for grammatical accuracy or clarity.
Chimes accepts letters to the editor from Calvin students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Letters must include the writer’s name and class year. Unless otherwise specified, names will be printed with the letters. Chimes does not accept anonymous letters except under very special circumstances.
The deadline for letters is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday for print on Friday.
Website feedback
At Chimes, we are always looking for ways to improve our online presence. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or new ideas you may have for the Chimes website or social media pages.
Get involved
We are always looking for students to get involved with writing for Chimes. It is a great opportunity to connect with the Calvin community, meet new people, learn new skills, and have a voice.
No matter what you’re interested in, we have a spot for you. Visit our Apply page for more information.